Zhang Sandra’s survey response

Date submittedNovember 24
Star rating Excellent (5 out of 5 stars)
Product ratingExcellent
How many sites do you have Acme Products installed on?Just one
Do you use Acme Products to sell products or services?Yes
What types of forms have you created with Acme Products?
  • Donation Form
  • Contact Form
  • Request a Quote Form
Acme Products fulfils all my form needs
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Rank these add-ons based on how useful they are to you.
  1. Zapier
  2. Stripe
  3. MailChimp
  4. Surveys
  5. Dropbox
How could Acme Products be improved?Sed vestibulum erat ut nisi suscipit, sed condimentum metus fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ullamcorper fermentum leo ornare iaculis. Nullam lobortis molestie eros ac sodales. Sed leo nisl, placerat non nulla ultrices, dictum gravida odio. Ut nulla nibh, vehicula a velit vel, consequat finibus libero. Cras magna velit, cursus in neque non, sagittis tincidunt felis.